


Philippines Team & Local Church
Just as God REACHED-OUT to us and transformed us individually, so also we must REACH-OUT and share with others this treasure of a relationship with the Living God. OUT-REACHES of various kinds are a normal part of learning and walking in the Word of God at CFN-Japan Bible School. Since the School began in 1985, there have been:
Monthly Outreaches in the neighboring towns and cities.These include children in parks, orphanages, schools, as well as adults in their homes, on the streets, as well as in businesses, hospitals, or other institutions. Yearly Outreaches take place either in various parts of Japan or Overseas. Among countries where CFN-Japan students have ministered are: Russia, China, Korea, Thailand, Mongolia, Cambodia, India, the Philippines, Spain, Mexico, Malaysia, and the U.S.A. Weekly Preparation for the various Outreaches insure that CFN-J students are keen to pray and prepare skillfully for meeting and sharing the Good News of Jesus. In doing so, they themselves are blessed. At CFN-Japan Bible School, be prepared to follow Jesus in the power of His Holy Spirit, “Going and making disciples of all nations…”.
CFNJ Bible School Outreach Report December 2009 CFNJ Bible School sent 3 outreach teams to 4 countries from December 8 to 17, 2009. This is a brief report of the outreaches. The Philippines Outreach Team The contact person for the Philippines Outreach Team was CFNJ graduate and now missionary Shin Sugawara and his family. Under the Sugawara’s leadership 8 CFNJ students ministered in local Philippine churches, a Japanese church with skits, Japanese dances, testimonies and preaching. There were many opportunities to minister to children including many children from poor families. The children’s favorite was a puppet show called “Joy Stealer”. During WW2 the Japanese invaded the Philippines, so the fact that a team of Japanese who were able to go and make good relationships with many Filipinos and express to them the love of God meant a lot. (The picture was taken at the Christmas party of the Philippines' Japanese Church. The CFNJ students are wearing traditional Japanese clothing.) The Thai & Cambodia Outreach Team This team was led by CFNJ-CMP Teacher Alma Bermejo and CFNJ staff member Yushi Fujie. The team of 10 first went to Chiang Rai, a city in the North of Thailand. Their base of ministry was the Christian Happy Home, a Christian orphanage with about 60 orphans. Here the team was able to minister inner healing to the children who were very open to the move of the Holy Spirit. The way the children received hugs from the CFNJ team members filled with the love of God was very beautiful. The team then moved into a town in Cambodia bordering Thailand. In this town in a much worse condition than Chiang Rai, the students continued to minister the love of God in another Christian Happy Home with 30 orphans and also at Hope Center, a home for single mothers with AIDS. The team was also able to help rebuild the fence at Hope Center after a fire had destroyed it before the team’s arrival. One team member said, “We were very tired working in very hot weather, but the smile on the faces of the children blew our tiredness away!” (The picture was taken at the Christian Happy Home in Chiang Rai, with CFNJ students, Sister Rose the founder (back row center) and some of the children.) The Myanmar Outreach Team This team of 8 was led by CFNJ Director Toshifumi Kajikawa and his wife Noriko. The base of operations was the Happy Family Bible School started by American missionary Daniel McCarty who accompanied the team. This Bible School has 21 on-fire students in their late teens from different tribes in Myanmar. The enthusiastic welcome from the staff and students was very encouraging for the CFNJ Team, and everybody soon became good friends. Brother Kajikawa taught at the Bible School, while CFNJ students shared testimonies and skits. As Brother McCarty had been praying, a divine connection was made between the two Bible Schools. The team had other opportunities to preach the gospel to the people of Myanmar (including one Buddhist Priest) and minister in two orphanages. The team was very impressed with how well behaved the orphans were and how their love toward God was very evident. (The picture was taken at Happy family Bible School, where the CFNJ team is ministering in worship.)



Nagaland, India

Thailand & Cambodia Team
At Bible School in Mynamar